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8:8 Crystal Grid

August 11, 2023

Posted in Astrology, DG BlogDG Grids

For August, we created a 8:8 crystal grid. Step into the mystical realm of Lions Gate where dreams take flight and wonders come alive! This celestial phenomenon is much more than a mere date on the calendar ~ it’s a powerful cosmic event that promises to unleash a flow of metaphysical and astrological wonders. Welcome this heavenly day with open arms and use it to increase cosmic energy and heighten ones’ spiritual awareness.

One of the ways we’ve chosen to celebrate this day is by assembling our August crystal grid with fierce and fiery stones, allowing the grid to amplify and direct the portal’s energy toward our intentions and goals.

Stop by this month to soak in all its fiery energy and an empowering affirmation.

Stones in this 8:8 crystal grid include:
Citrine – Manifestation ~ Abundance
Honey Calcite – Action ~ Self-Discovery
Orchid Calcite – Nurturing ~ Transformation
Carnelian – Fertility ~ Creativity
Bumble Bee Jasper – Adventurousness ~ Creativity
Sunstone – Abundance ~ Empowerment

Want to know more about the Lions Gate? Click here to read our blog post to learn more about the portal, ways to embrace and utilize the portal’s energy, and discover what it means in the mystical and astrological realms.