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Favorite Goddess or Mystical Creature: Lilith

Birthday/Zodiac Sign: March 6 – Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Scorpio Rising (Sorry, not sorry)

If You Were A Stone or Crystal, What Would You Be: Moonstone

Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Form of Divination: Stream-of-consciousness writing

Favorite Tarot or Oracle Deck: Supra Oracle by Uusi

Favorite Poem, Book, or Author: Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez. Really anything by Márquez

Favorite Artist: Alec Soth & Francesca Woodman

Favorite Song to Sing or Dance to: To sing: I Want To Dance with Somebody – Whitney Houston. To Dance: Either Call Your Girlfriend or Dancing on My Own by Robyn

Favorite Movie: SO many. Too Many! But if I had to pick one it’d be To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar.

The Best Thing About Working at the DG: Collaborating with other magical women, the freedom to be who you are, the way the shop smells.

Favorite Place to Grab a Bite in the DG Neighborhood: Chans

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