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Favorite Goddess or Mystical Creature: Phoenix

Birthday/Zodiac Sign: August 6th ~ Leo

If You Were A Stone or Crystal, What Would You Be: Amber because it is my innate goal, my natural tendency to heal wounds whenever I see them.

Favorite Color: White

Favorite Form of Divination: Tarot

Favorite Tarot or Oracle Deck: Radiant Rider Waite Tarot

Favorite Poem, Book, or Author: Anne Rice, The Mayfair Series

Favorite Artist: My Kids

Favorite Song to Sing or Dance to: The Devil Went Down To Georgia

Favorite Movie: Practical Magic

The Best Thing About Working at the DG: The community of people I get to share my days with. Fellow staff. Customers, area business’, and delivery people. I feel blessed to know them all.

Favorite Place to Grab a Bite in the DG Neighborhood: Frescos

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