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Keywords: Clearing ~ Calming
Hardness: 3
Zodiac: *All*
Chakra: *All*
Planet: Earth
Element: Air
Locations Found: Worldwide
Tarot Card: The World

Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties

In general calcite is a powerful amplifier of energy. Calcite is probably the premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment, such as a room that it’s in. All of the calcites are good for reducing fear and stress.

Geological Information

Calcite is one of the most common minerals on the face of the Earth, comprising about 4% by weight of the Earth’s crust. It is a sedimentary mineral that forms from the accumulation of marine organisms such as shells and coral and is a primary mineral component in cave formations. It is a carbonate mineral with the chemical formula CaCO3 and is formed with a hexagonal crystal system. Calcite is vitreous in appearance and can  occur in a range of colors, including blue, green, red, and brown.

Calcite is used in many applications, including in construction materials, as a fertilizer, and in the production of cement and lime.

Varieties of Calcite

tumbled blue calcite

Blue Calcite

Chakra: Throat, Third Eye
Found: Mexico and South Africa

Blue Calcite gets its light blue color from the presence of copper in the crystal structure and provides a gentle blue ray energy field around the holder. It boosts communication, clarity, and psychic ability. Blue Calcite is said to be a stone of peace and tranquility and is often used to promote relaxation and reduce stress, enhance intuition and psychic abilities and helps to release negative emotions and feelings of guilt or self-doubt.

Brown / Chocolate Calcite

Brown or Chocolate Calcite promotes grounding, stability, and creativity. Brown Calcite is said to be a stone of manifestation and abundance and is often used to help individuals achieve their goals and attract prosperity. It can also enhance creativity and productivity.

Cobaltoan Calcite

Chakra: Heart
Tarot card: The Lovers

Cobaltoan Calcite tends to be pink or red in color. Also known as Sphaerocobaltite, these crystals are said to be crystals of joy. It can inspire love, compassion, and emotional healing. Cobaltoan Calcite is said to be a stone of forgiveness and is often used to help individuals let go of anger and resentment. It can aid in promoting self-love and acceptance and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities.

green calcite

Green Calcite

Green Calcite gets its color from the presence of iron or other minerals, which can cause it to range in color from pale green to deep forest green. Said to promote healing, balance, and growth. Green Calcite is said to be a stone of abundance and prosperity and is often used to attract good luck and success. Green Calcite also enhances intuition and psychic abilities.

Green Calcite can bring fresh energy into any room or environment.

tumbled honey calcite

Honey Calcite

Chakra: Solar Plexus
Tarot card: Strength

Honey Calcite gets its golden yellow color from iron oxide and other impurities. It bolsters confidence, motivation, and personal power. Honey Calcite is said to be a stone of manifestation and abundance and is often used to help individuals achieve their goals and attract prosperity. It can also be used to inspire creativity and release fears and self-doubt.

Honey Calcite Specimen ~ Optical Calcite at

Iceland Spar Calcite

Also known as Clear Calcite, or Optical Calcite, Iceland Spar displays an optical illusion called double refraction – when you look through the crystal, it splits the light rays in two, producing a double image.

It encourages clarity, focus, and spiritual connection. Iceland Spar Calcite is often used to help release old patterns and beliefs. A great stone for students, it can help one retain new information and increase motivation. Meditating with Iceland Spar can help ones perception of the physical world and of themselves.

Ancient texts speak of a magical crystal that was used by the Vikings, known as “Viking Sunstone”, to locate the sun even when it was obstructed from view. To do so, the Vikings would have had to hold the stone up toward the center of the sky and once the sunlight hit the crystal, the light would be polarized and broken into an ordinary and extraordinary beam. Research found at a wreckage discovered in 1977 near the Channel Islands suggests that this magic stone may actually be Iceland Spar. Though no known Iceland Spar has been found in any Viking settlements, the crystal has been recovered from what remains of the shipwreck of the Alderney which was an Elizabethan warship that sank in 1592. Among the crystal, navigation dividers were also discovered close by, leading researchers to believe that it had been used as another navigational tool.

Mangano Calcite Tumbled at

Mangano Calcite

Chakra: Heart Chakra
Found: Peru

Mangano Calcite gets its pink color from the presence of manganese in the crystal structure. This stone can stimulate feelings of love, compassion, and emotional healing moving the user closer to forgiveness of self and others. Mangano Calcite can be used to help individuals let go of past hurts and emotional wounds. It can also enhance empathy. It is a helpful tool for those who do distance healing work because its stimulation of the empathic response leads one into seeing the other’s point of view.

Tumbled Orange Calcite at

Orange Calcite

Chakra: Sacral
Tarot card: The Sun

Orange Calcite gets its namesake color from iron oxide and other impurities. It promotes creativity, passion, and vitality. Orange Calcite is often used to inspire new ideas and projects. It provides energy to help to release old patterns and emotional blocks. It brings a ray of sunlight into the dark corners of one’s energy field and helps to shake off the blues.

Raw Red Calcite at

Red Calcite

Chakra: Root
Found: Mexico

Red Calcite gets its color from iron oxide and other minerals, which can cause it to range in color from pale pink to deep red. It is said to promote grounding, vitality, and creativity. Red Calcite is said to be a stone of motivation and is often used to enhance physical and sexual energy as it is a fire element.

Photos of Calcite

Triple Moon Pink Calcite Dish at
Green Calcite Sphere at
Rose Calcite Spheres at
honey calcite
Chocolate Calcite Obelisk at
Orange Calcite Three Wise Monkeys Set at
Caribbean Calcite Winged Skull at
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