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Keywords: Spiritual Growth ~ Unconditional Love
Hardness: 7
Zodiac: Aquarius, Leo
Chakra: Crown, Heart
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Locations Found: Japan, Madagascar, Mexico
Tarot Card: The Star

Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties

Danburite is a high vibrational crystal that is said to help one connect with the spiritual realms and higher dimensions. It is believed to activate and open the third eye and crown chakras, helping to facilitate communication with angels, spirit guides, and other entities in the spiritual realm. Danburite is also said to be a powerful tool for spiritual growth, helping one to release negative emotions and attachments and to develop a greater sense of inner peace and clarity. Physically, Danburite is said to be helpful in alleviating stress, anxiety, and tension, and can be used to support healthy sleep patterns.

Danburite work to open and activate the heart center allowing you to release past pain and traumas.  It is believed to be a powerful tool for forgiveness, promoting love and light.

Geological Information

Danburite is a mineral that is classified as a silicate and is made up of calcium boron silicate. The crystal’s unique crystal structure, which is made up of prismatic and orthorhombic shapes, adds to its aesthetic appeal.

Danburite comes in a range of colors, including clear, white, yellow, pink, and brown, but the most commonly found color is clear. It has a high refractive index, which gives it a stunning sparkle when the light hits it just right.

Works Well With...

Danburite is said to work well with a number of other crystals, including Moldavite, Phenacite, and Herkimer Diamond. It is also said to be a helpful companion to other stones that promote spiritual growth and enlightenment, such as Amethyst and Clear Quartz.

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