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Hiddenite at

Keywords: Compassion ~ Inner Growth
Hardness: 6.5 - 7
Zodiac: Cancer
Chakra: Heart
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Locations Found: Brazil, United States
Tarot Card: The Empress

Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties

“Master Stone of the Heart”, it is a heart chakra stone that provides protection and support for the emotions. Hiddenite helps relieve loss, particularly in the areas of love or money. It is a very calming stone and helps engender compassion for others. It also brings trust to relationships of all kinds. It is a stone that is also known for attracting prosperity.

Geological Information

Hiddenite is the variety of spodumene, a lithium aluminum silicate mineral, that presents between clear and green. Kunzite is the name of pink spodumene. It is named after William Earl Hidden, who discovered the mineral in North Carolina in 1879. Hiddenite is typically pale green in color, but can range from yellow-green to emerald green.

Works Well With...

Hiddenite works well with other heart chakra stones such as Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, and Green Aventurine. It can also be paired with grounding stones such as Black Tourmaline or Hematite to help balance its energy. Additionally, Hiddenite is said to work well with other lithium-rich stones such as Lepidolite and Kunzite.

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