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Kunzite at

Keywords: Divine Love ~ Heart Healing
Hardness: 6.5 - 7
Zodiac: Libra, Taurus
Chakra: Heart
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Locations Found: Afghanistan, Brazil, Madagascar
Tarot Card: The Lovers

Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties

Kunzite is known as the Stone of Emotional Healing as it is a conduit from one’s heart to that of Divine Love, and also self-love and unconditional love. It activates the heart chakra and assists in removing the blocks that surround the heart and allows you to be more receptive to love. Kunzite promotes love, joy and delight in one’s life. It is a powerful healer of the emotional body, and frequently can help to remove fear and allow one to participate more fully in life.

It is often used in meditation and spiritual practices to promote peace, love, and compassion. Kunzite can help individuals connect with their intuition and higher consciousness.

It is also believed to promote hormonal balance and help with hormonal-related conditions such as PMS and menopause.

Geological Information

Kunzite is a pink to lilac-colored variety of the mineral spodumene. It was first discovered in 1902 in California by George Frederick Kunz, a famous mineralogist and gemologist who the stone is named after. Kunzite is often found in granite pegmatites with other lithium-rich minerals such as lepidolite and tourmaline and is known for its pleochroism, which means it displays different colors when viewed from different angles. Kunzite is typically pink to violet-pink in color and is often found as elongated prismatic crystals. It is sometimes heat-treated to enhance its color.

Works Well With...

It is often paired with other heart chakra stones such as Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, and green Aventurine. It can also be paired with high vibration stones like Clear Quartz, Moldavite, and Apophyllite to amplify its energy.

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