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Keywords: Grounding ~ Psychic Protection
Hardness: 5 - 5.5
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Scorpio
Chakra: Root
Planet: Pluto
Element: Fire
Locations Found: Armenia, Canada, Iceland, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Scotland, United States
Tarot Card: Judgement

Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties

Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that can help to release negative energy and protect against psychic attack. It is often used in meditation to enhance self-awareness and encourage spiritual growth. Obsidian can also help to release past traumas and promote emotional healing.  Black Obsidian is also used to connect with one’s inner self and promote self-awareness. It is said to help individuals recognize their true nature and purpose, as well as provide insight into one’s past, present, and future.  In addition to its grounding and protective properties, Black Obsidian is also associated with transformation and change. It is said to help individuals overcome obstacles and challenges and promote personal growth and evolution.

History & Folklore

Since obsidian breaks with very sharp conchoidal fractures it has been used to make tools and arrowheads, spear points, scrapers and many other cutting instruments since Paleolithic times. The ancient Aztecs in Mexico used obsidian to create mirrors and blades for sacrificial ritual. These Obsidian mirrors were tools used to communicate with otherworldly forces or as a portal to other realms. Native Americans compared Obsidian to the Great Void or the Great Mystery from which all things are created. It was referred to as a stone for spiritual dreaming.

One of the most renowned Obsidian mirrors in history belonged to Dr. Dee, an English mathematician who came into possession of it after the conquest of Mexico. Dr. Dee, who also served as an astrologer and advisor to both Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth I for his involvement in mystical pursuits, dedicated the last three decades of his life to attempting communication with angelic beings. He held the belief that this communication could bring about a pre-apocalyptic unity among humanity. According to Dr. Dee, Archangel Uriel presented him with this mirror, bestowing upon him the power to summon spirits from other dimensions. This led to the mirror being dubbed as “Dr. Dee’s Magic Mirror” and “The Devil’s Looking Glass”.

Geological Information

Black Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass that forms when lava cools rapidly, preventing the formation of crystals. This process results in a smooth, shiny surface that can appear black, brown, or even rainbow-colored depending on the presence of minerals. Obsidian is typically dark in color due to the presence of iron and magnesium, and can be translucent in thin pieces. It is composed of silicon dioxide and is black in color due to the presence of iron and magnesium.

Works Well With...

Obsidian works well with other grounding stones such as Smoky Quartz, Jet and Hematite. Use with Black Tourmaline to protect against negative energy, cleanse the aura, and promote grounding.

Varieties of Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian is a mixture of two types of volcanic glass, called rhyolite and basalt. The rhyolite gives it its reddish-brown color, while the basalt creates the black areas in the stone. Its deep, earthy tones and swirling patterns set it apart from most other crystals. Mahogany Obsidian is a stone of protection and grounding. It is often used to help stabilize emotions and promote a sense of calmness. Use it to help increase self-confidence and self-esteem, release negative energy and promote healing.

Obsidian Sheen

Obsidian Sheen is different from other Obsidian varieties because of the presence of microscopic gas bubbles that cause the iridescent effect on its surface.  As with the other Obsidians, it is grounding and protection, especially in times of stress and uncertainty. It can aid in communication and creativity and can help reveal hidden truths and insights. When working with Obsidian Sheen, it’s important to remember that it can be a powerful stone and may bring up intense emotions or experiences. It’s important to approach it with respect and mindfulness, and to set clear intentions for what you hope to achieve.

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian is mainly composed of feldspar, with small amounts of other minerals. The black color comes from the presence of iron and magnesium, while the white “snowflake” patterns are caused by inclusions of cristobalite.

Snowflake Obsidian is a powerful healing stone that is often used to aid in emotional healing. It is believed to help release negative energy, resentment, and emotional pain. The stone is also thought to provide balance during times of change, helping to ease the transition and bring about a sense of calm and stability.

In ancient Mexico, the stone was believed to protect the wearer from negative energy and evil spirits. It was also used in shamanic rituals to help with divination and to connect with the spirit world. In the Middle Ages, Snowflake Obsidian was believed to have the power to ward off the plague, and it was often carried by doctors and healers. Native Americans used the stone in sweat lodge ceremonies to purify the body and spirit.

Photos of Obsidian

Raw Black Obsidian Point at
Volcanic Glass Kuan Yin, Green Obsidian at
Obsidian Balancing Cube at
Black Obsidian Spiral Goddess at
Obsidian Sheen Snake Carving at
Black Obsidian Skull with Snake at
Black Obsidian Star Bowl at
Black Obsidian Wings at
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