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Happy Birthday Leo – Stones to Support you this Astro Season

August 3, 2018

Posted in Astrology, DG Blog

“Oh yes, the past can hurt… But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.”

– Rafiki, The Lion King

Embrace the Energy of the Earth to Support You This Leo Season

Leo: the Lion, the member of the zodiac who is always ready to leap center stage, to see and be seen in all their glory.  With your birthday season upon us, you may want to do just that. However, with Mercury in Retrograde currently moving through your sign, it may work more in your favor to take a breath. Re-examining goals, opening up one’s perspective to look at how to approach situations, and also honestly looking at one’s past and actively learning from those experiences are all tools to work with at this time.

With that in mind, here is a selection of stones to work with that will aid in processing those themes, while still maintaining that fiery Leo everyone knows you to be.

Amber harnesses so much of Leo with its strong, solar energy, but it holds ancient healing wisdom, made from the essence of Earth itself. Sit with Amber and let it warm your inner being. Connect with the wisdom it carries to move forward with grounded life-force energy, and knowledge to make decisions from a place of healing.

Yellow Jasper is an exceptional grounding stone, and works on a very slow and steady vibration. It also connects with your will and Solar Plexus, that inner flame, to help your energy burn slow and evenly over a long stretch of time. It is also a wonderfully protective stone, particularly for those traveling.

Onyx harnesses endurance and energy, helping you to not lose any of your “Roar” during this time of retrospection. It helps you build up and maintain positive life force energies, and help you keep a cool, clear head wherever conflicts may arise.

Ruby is a fantastic counterpart to Leo, as it imparts divine feminine energy that can meet you at the same fiery, confident level that you are known for. Ruby brings strength, dignity, and compassion to the table, and will be an excellent tool to have on hand to meet situations like a boss. Keep a balanced perspective while still holding your ground, with the space and compassion to consider and implement views from outside yourself.

Tigers Eye helps to maintain balance, confidence, and stability, especially during any emotional twists and upheaval. It is excellent at soothing tensions and drama within family and close relationships – it helps smooth differences of opinion, and makes sure you don’t use that Roar in a way that isn’t productive or causes unnecessary pain.

Walk confidently and fiercely in the direction of your desires, but with a slow and steady prowl, taking in the world view and all it can offer you as you go.

Love & Blessings,

~ Dreaming Goddess

Stones to Support You During Mercury Retrograde in Leo