Apache Tear, Raw


Protection ~ Grief Support

Average Size: 0.75″ in diameter

Please note that due to the natural variations in crystal and gemstone size, color, and shape, no two are exactly alike.

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Apache Tear

Apache Tear is believed to have powerful energy that can help its wearer release negative emotions, heal from emotional pain and move towards forgiveness. It is said to support those who are mourning and grief stricken. Used in meditation, Apache Tears can help open the floodgates of grief, aiding and allowing the cleansing of emotional wounds, and releasing feelings of woundedness & victimization.

It helps one to unburden themselves with heavy emotion, to process and work through. It helps discover and open blockages, allowing a cleansing and release of emotions. It breaks down the barriers and negative emotional patterns that hold one back and can counter negative thinking.

Additionally, Apache Tear is thought to provide protection and grounding energy, making it a great stone for those who are feeling overwhelmed or uncertain.

Unlike black Obsidian, Apache Tear is a much gentler, nurturing stone. It still helps one to do the work they need, but is incredibly supportive.

Read more about Apache Tear in our Crystal Resource Library.

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