Pillager’s Potion DIY Kit
This DIY Pillager’s Potion Kit comes complete with everything you need to create your own wholistic, antibacterial room spray.
Pillager’s Potion is our version of the old thieves blend of herbs and spices that helped them during the Bubonic plague. The story goes something like this – a band of thieves, once spice traders unemployed due to the plaque, were stealing from dead plaque victims and not getting sick. They were eventually captured. The king granted them a less painful death because they revealed to him what herbs protected them from contracting the plague. The king could then go on to help his people.
Our DIY Pillager’s Potion Kit includes 5 – .25 oz. amber jars of potent, pure, grade A essential oils know for their antioxidant, antibacterial, antimicrobial and immune boosting properties: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Organic Eucalyptus, and Rosemary. These oils work together to create a synergistic blend to boost immunity while reducing harmful airborne bacteria. Our recipe card gives you complete instructions to blend these essential oils which you’ll add to the included purple PET spray bottle with distilled water. Shake your bottle, spray and breath in the magical scent knowing that you are supporting your body to ward off the day. You can also make a Pillager’s Blend roll-on with the included roll-on bottle, you will just need to add a base oil to the jar, which is not included (Olive Oil is perfect). We have also included 2 Black Tourmaline stones to add to the your containers because we can’t make anything without adding stones. The black tourmaline is additional protection energy from the mineral kingdom.
- You can use the roll-on directly on the skin, apply to your hot points.
- Use the roll-on on your feet daily for added immune support.
- Use it as an inhalant, breathing in directly from the bottle a few times a day.
- Use in a room diffuser to support your workspace or home.
Caution: A patch test is recommended prior to use to identify possible sensitivities. This oil is not a replacement for traditional medicine.
Read more via our DG Blog Post about Essential Oils here.
The information, advice, statements, and testimonials made about the essential oils, blends, and products mentioned on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information on this site and the products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease, nor are they intended to replace proper medical help. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any regimen with essential oils. User submitted testimonials are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results – what works for one may not work for another.
For more information on Essential Oil Safety please click this link
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