Super Seven
Super Seven is believed to be a natural phenomenon, where the seven minerals grow together to form one crystal. The combination of these minerals creates a unique energy that is said to enhance spiritual growth and promote healing on all levels. It is one of the few stones that retain their energy and clarity and never needs cleansing or energizing. Super Seven retains the properties of all the stones in the combination of amethyst, smoky quartz, clear quartz, rutile, goethite, lepidocrocite and cacoxenite, even if the piece does not visibly show all seven minerals. This rare crystal is highly sought after by collectors and spiritual practitioners alike for its powerful metaphysical properties.
Super Seven is said to be a highly spiritual crystal that can assist in personal and spiritual evolution. It is believed to enhance psychic abilities, increase intuition, and help connect with higher realms of consciousness. Super Seven also clears and activates all chakras, creating a high vibrational energy field around the body. Additionally, Super Seven is said to promote physical, emotional, spiritual healing boost the immune system and overall vitality, enhance clarity and focus and it provides protection from negative energies.
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