Teachings of the Santeria Gods


By Ócha’ni Lele

Paperback, 288 Pages

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Teachings of the SanterĂ­a Gods ~ The Spirit of the Odu

The first book to explore the sacred myths of SanterĂ­a

~ Includes more than 100 myths, stories, and histories about the odu and the orishas
~ Reassembles the oral fragments from the African diaspora into coherent stories
~ Demonstrates that the African peoples, specifically the Yoruba, were deeply spiritual

At the core of the diloggĂșn–the sacred divination system of SanterĂ­a–are the sacred stories known as the patakĂ­s, narratives whose themes are as powerful and relevant today as they were in the minds of the ancient Yoruba who safeguarded them. Each patakĂ­ is connected to one or more of the 16 odu, the principal creative forces of SanterĂ­a. Some recount the lives of orishas on earth, others the lives of individuals in heaven, and some tell of the odu themselves, for even they once walked the earth as mortals.

The first book to explore these ancient African stories in English, Teachings of the Santería Gods recounts more than 100 of these sacred parables, including many stories reassembled from the oral tradition of the African diaspora. Ranging from creation myths to what happens when a love potion works far too well, these stories share the wisdom and spirituality of the Yoruba people of ancient Africa and form the living, oral bible of one of the world’s fastest-growing faiths.

Additional information

Weight 14.5 oz
Dimensions 6 × 0.75 × 9 in


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