Union of Isis and Thoth, The


By Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully

Paperback, 320 Pages

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The Union of Isis and Thoth ~ Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt

The Union of Isis and Thoth acts as a guide to creating a communal spiritual structure for connecting with the ancient Egyptian pantheon as well as how to consecrate yourself and become a vessel suitable for divine wisdom and a home for your personal gods. The authors detail the construction, shamanic visioning, and ritual consecration of a Moon Temple dedicated to Thoth. They explore teachings that help you develop relationships with the Egyptian neteru and realize your place within the family of the Egyptian pantheon. They guide you as you create your inner heart temple, the adytum, a safe place in which to receive guidance and access your higher spiritual bodies and oracular gifts. They provide shamanic journeys and initiations on ascension, shamanic death and renewal, soul retrieval and healing, multidimensional realities, and more.

By creating a sacred temple within and without, we each can take part in the union of Isis and Thoth and restore the magic of the Egyptian mysteries to our time.

Additional information

Weight 13 oz
Dimensions 6 × 0.7 × 9 in


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