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Herkimer Diamond

Keywords: Attunement ~ Amplification
Hardness: 7.5
Zodiac: Aquarius, Sagittarius
Chakra: Crown
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Locations Found: United States
Tarot Card: The World

Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties

Herkimer Diamond, known as the “attunement stone”, is a high-vibration quartz crystal that helps amplify spiritual energy.  Aligning its energies with the crown chakra, these little power house crystals connect you to higher realms of consciousness, divine guidance and spiritual enlightenment. They are good allies for lucid dreaming and astro travel. Working with Herkimer Diamonds can clear the monkey mind and promote a sense of inner peace and clarity.

It is an exceptionally strong crystal for clearing electromagnetic pollution, radioactivity, and geopathic stress, and makes an excellent environmental spray or gem elixir.

Herkimer Diamonds have a quartz crystal memory, accepting and retaining information which can be retrieved at a later time. They may also be programmed with thoughts of love, well-being, or healing for others to draw on.

Herkimer Diamonds double-terminated shape helps energy flow more easily between the crown and base chakras, promoting balance and harmony in the body. It’s also said to help clear negative energy and promote positive, uplifting energy in the space around it.

Geological Information

Herkimer Diamond is a double-terminated quartz crystal that’s found exclusively in Herkimer County, New York. The bedrock in which the crystals are found began forming approximately half a billion years ago in a shallow Cambrian Sea that lapped against the southern shores of the ancestral Adirondack Mountains (near the town of Herkimer, New York). It’s known for its extreme clarity and its bright, sparkly appearance. It’s a unique crystal in that it forms a short, stubby,  double-terminated crystal, allowing energy to flow in both directions making it popular for use in meditation and energy work.

Works Well With...

Herkimer Diamond has a high vibration and works well with other high vibe stones such as Moldavite, Scolecite, Phenacite, Celestite and Danburite to move you towards your spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Photos of Herkimer Diamond

Jet Stone Crowned Raven with Herkimer Diamond at
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