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Keywords: Wholeness ~ Communication
Hardness: 5 - 6
Zodiac: Pisces, Sagittarius
Chakra: Third Eye, Throat
Planet: Neptune, Venus
Element: Water
Locations Found: China, Mexico, Tibet, United States
Tarot Card: The Empress

Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties

Turquoise is a healer of spirit and a balancer, inducing a sense of serenity and peace of mind. Said to support one in self acceptance and forgiveness. Turquoise is also said to aid in communication and self-expression, particularly in situations where emotions are difficult to express.  Ancient absorber of negativity, Turquoise is said to protect from the “evil eye”. Turquoise is a powerful stone for protection and spiritual purification. It is believed to enhance intuition, clarity of thought, and spiritual connection. It is said that if you’re given a Turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. Turquoise is a symbol of friendship. It also brings peace to the home.

History & Folklore

It is possible that turquoise is the longest used stone with beads found in Iraq, dating back to 5,000 B.C. Turquoise is the national stone of Iran. Native Americans began to mine turquoise about 1,000 years ago and it has been found in burial sites from Argentina to New Mexico.

The death mask of Tutankhamun was studded with Turquoise, as were the mosaic masks dedicated to the gods, the fabulous inlaid skulls, shields and power statues of Moctezuma, the last ruler of the Aztecs. In both Hindu and Persian beliefs, seeing a Turquoise and the new moon at the same moment would lead to good fortune, protection from evil and/or an increase of wealth.

Geological Information

Turquoise is a hydrated copper aluminum phosphate mineral that is formed in arid regions through the interaction of water with copper and aluminum-containing rocks. The blue and green color of turquoise comes from the presence of copper and iron.

Works Well With...

Turquoise works well with other throat and third eye chakra stones, such as Lapis Lazuli and Blue Calcite, to enhance communication and intuition. It is also beneficial to combine grounding stones like Black Tourmaline or Hematite to balance and stabilize energy flow.

Photos of Turquoise

Tumbled Turquoise at
Kazakhstan Turquoise Earrings at
Sonoran Turquoise at
Kazakhstan Turquoise Pendant at
Sonoran Turquoise at
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