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DG Basics ~ Mercury Retrogrades

July 26, 2018

Posted in Astrology, Beginner's GuidesDG Blog

Mercury Retrograde ~ What is it and how do I navigate it?

So many of you enter our shop seeking refuge from Mercury Retrograde ~ this is often the retrograde that people first notice, when they begin to tap in to the magic of the cosmos. We decided to share a few of the ways that we keep our cool in and around the Mercury Retrograde periods using stones, herbs, and oils to help us tweak our thought processes and better align ourselves with these energies, instead of pushing against them.

Simply being aware of the astrological influences swirling around on any given day lends itself to heightened personal reflection and fewer knee jerk reactions.  Even if you are new to, or don’t know all the ins and outs of astrology, the general information available to us all via books and the internet can still be very helpful.  Observing the phases of the Moon or the quickly moving path of Mercury are two useful cycles to begin with. Both the Moon and Mercury (along with the Sun, Venus, and Mars) are what are called “personal planets” in Astrology.  These planets are physically closest to the Earth, and us, and they have a more immediate impact on our personal rollercoaster ride – our mood, emotions, confidence, personal relationships, etc.

Mercury is the smallest planet in our Solar system and the closest to the Sun. It rotates slower on its axis than Earth, but orbits the Sun faster than we do. During Mercury’s orbit around the Sun, 3-4 times a year from our Earthly view, it looks as though it has stopped (stationed) and begun to move in the opposite direction (retrograde).  As Mercury reaches the turn in its Elliptical orbit, it slows down and we get the visual sensation that the planet is moving backwards.  We experience this sense of backward motion as a shift in energy. It’s as if Mercury has turned its attention away from Earth and is not overseeing its normal order of duties
like it is taking an astro-siesta. Mercury governs all forms of communication, all types of contracts and agreements, travel, and everything technologically related. So during Retrograde, as well as during Mercury’s ‘Shadow’ period – about three weeks both Pre and Post Retrograde – areas ruled by Mercury often experience what feels like a bit of a chaos.  We hear advice about how we should not sign contracts, book trips, or make any major purchases or commitments during Mercury Retro.  Travel gets delayed or goes awry, and our computers and devices seem to take on a mind of their own.  All manners of communication just tend to feel

Rather than getting all worked up however, think about the flip side of the situation.  Mercury Retrograde is a cosmic invitation to sloooow down.  We can place ourselves in a better position by accepting this invitation and using it as an opportunity for growth and self-exploration. Pull on your trouble-shooting pants and learn how to rock a Mercury Retrograde like a boss.

5 Ways to Rock the Retrograde

1.  First and foremost, this is your mantra “Focus on the Re.”  Any time you feel stressed, any time you feel like you might snap at someone, any time you want to leap before you look – say to yourself, “Focus on the Re.”  This means Rethink, Review, Reread, Relax, Reconsider, Recover, Repeat, Renew, Reunite, Repack, Revive – you get the idea.  Go back (‘re’) and give it another look. One more time. Focus on the Re.

2.  Gift yourself and those around you with a preemptory dose of patience – expect that tempers, including your own, may flare a bit, and really choose to be mindful that you will pause and REflect rather than REact.

3.  Use this time to hone your communication skills – reread your emails and review your proposals before you send/submit them making sure that the point you are making is really the one you are aiming for.

4.  Allocate a little more time for yourself to complete a task or to get where you are going – this way, when you hit a figurative or literal roadblock, your stress level doesn’t take a hit as well.

5.  Tie up loose ends. Just because it isn’t a great time to begin a new project doesn’t mean you can’t devote your energy to finishing one.  Mercury Retro is a great time to catch up on all of those odds and ends, to take a last look at a project and make sure it has everything it needs, or to revisit a situation that maybe wasn’t handled so well the first time.

Being aware of Mercury Retrograde periods is the first step in befriending them.  Knowing when they are happening allows us to mentally prepare for the shifting of energies and to realign our focus accordingly.  It’s really not so bad.  With as much rushing around and cramming of schedules as is normal today, isn’t it a gift to hit the pause button and give ourselves the space to readjust a few time a year, regardless of the astrology?

Scroll down to see which tools we’ve selected for you for Mercury Retrograde!

Love & Blessings,
~ Dreaming Goddess

 Mercury Retrograde Dates for 2022

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini & Taurus ~ May 10 – June 3
Mercury Retrograde in Libra and backwards into Virgo ~ Sep 9 – Oct 2
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn – Dec 29 ~ Jan 18, 2023

Tools for Mercury Retrograde

Here are a few of our picks to support you in refocusing, reflecting, reviewing.

Essential Oils that Calm

Bergamot and Frankincense Essential Oils will aid you in achieving balance, and slowing down long enough to take a nice deep breath. You can use them as a single note or to make a blend.essential oils Lavender added to the mix will assist with its own calm and soothing vibration.

~ Use the EO’s in your oil diffuser at the office or at home to create a calming, centering atmosphere.
~ Add the EO’s to a cotton ball and carry them around in a little plastic bag – sniff when needed.
~ Add them to a base oil and wear it on your hot points.

Stones for Communication

Tuck these in your bra ~ they need to be in your energy field in order to support you.

~ Emerald for sweet heart-centered communication
~ Aquamarine for clear communication

emerald aquamarine bracelet raw aquamarine

Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer Candle

The planet Mercury rules communication, intellect, and travel. When it goes into retrograde, those areas of life are disrupted, and you are shown what you need to fix now before it breaks in an unrecoverable way. This candle helps lessen the disruptive impact of Mercury retrograde and get ye rebalanced.

Blessing: Heart of the divine, breathe the light of the universe into the dark of Mercury. Shine your light within my life to enlighten me. Lift these challenges and bring to me the true blessings of Mercury.

The Mercury Retrograde BookThe Mercury Retrograde Book ~ Turn Chaos into Creativity to Repair, Renew and Revamp Your Life

Are you tired of hearing ‘Mercury must be in retrograde’ every time the slightest thing goes wrong? People blame their break-ups, missed flights and unexpected bills on Mercury retrograde, but often they have little understanding of this astrological phenomenon. The Mercury Retrograde Book is here to flip these beliefs on their head. Bestselling author of Moonology Yasmin Boland and astrology expert Kim Farnell explain:
~ that the retrograde is actually a chance to revisit, revise and revamp
~ if you can understand how the retrograde cycle works, you can harness it in your favour
~ how to place the retrogrades in your personal astrological chart and work out their effect on your elemental and zodiac sign