Devil’s Shoestring


Resealable bag

Comes in a bundle of 7 sticks.
Size Range: 2″ ~ 5″

In stock


Devil’s Shoestring

Latin Name: Viburnum Alnifolium 

Devil’s Shoestring is a very powerful herb in the Viburnum species known by many names such as hobblebush, moose bush, cramp bark or Goat’s Rue. It is commonly used in Hoodoo practices and is often kept in a medicine pouch. This herb is native to Eastern North America and can be found from North Eastern Canada, all the way down to Georgia. The roots of Devil’s Shoestring are sometimes used medicinally as an anti-spasmodic, especially to ease menstrual cramps.

Devil’s Shoestring is said to bring luck against any sort of attack when being carried with you. Commonly used in Hoodoo conjure works, it is a multipurpose herb that can be used when bringing luck for a new job, or for “tripping up the devil” by protecting one from harmful energies. Carry this herb in a white medicine pouch to protect against negative energy or in a green medicine pouch for good luck and fortune. It can also be placed in a bundle above a doorway or fireplace to protect your home.  In the past, it was sometimes worn as an anklet to prevent being “poisoned through the feet”.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz
Dimensions 5 × 3 × 0.75 in

3.125oz, 5oz


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