Sage Essential Oil ~ Organic



Latin Name: Salvia Officinalis 
Part of plant used: Leaves
Extraction method: Steam Distilled
Country of origin: Spain
Blends nicely with: Bergamot, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary.
Therapeutic uses: Balancing, strengthening, cleansing, aids in menopausal symptoms.

Salvia officinalis from the Ladiatae family is also known as Garden Sage and True Sage. Sage is an evergreen perennial herb with a woody base, soft gray-green oval leaves and a mass of blue or violet flowers that can grow up to about 60 cm tall. The Latin word salvare means ‘heal’ or ‘save’. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that it imparted wisdom, thus its name; and through the Middle Ages, it continued to be used for memory loss.

Read more via our DG Blog Post about Essential Oils here.

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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