Chakra Stone Set


~ Clear, align, and energize your energetic being ~ 

Includes 7 Chakra stone chips and etched stones.

The stones in this set are: AmethystGreen Aventurine, Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, and Red Jasper.

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Chakra Stone Set

The chakras are a well organized system that keeps our life force energy directed and fluid. Our health and well being depend on active, balanced chakras.  As the chakras are all interdependent, when one is shut down the others work to maintain life force and compensate, creating imbalance and illness. If the flow becomes stagnant or sluggish, so long as this is temporary, they are able to re-activate themselves.  If the situation becomes chronic, they need to be stimulated. By learning to activate, balance and align your chakras you open the doors for your full potential to be recognized.

Listed Below are the 7 Chakras and their meanings

 Root/Base Chakra (1st)
Located: Base of Spine
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Purpose: Connects to Nature, Family and Origins
Association: Birth, Survival, Safety, Stability, Security
Weakens Chakra: Anxiety, Fear, Uncertainty
Maintains Health: Exercising, Self-care in all forms

 Sacral Chakra (2nd)
Located: Lower Abdomen
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Purpose: Allows you to live your passion, Make dreams into reality
Association: Sensuality, Sexuality
Weakens Chakra: Boredom, Lack of Inspiration
Maintains Health: Pleasure in all forms, Loving partnerships, Movement

 Solar Plexus/Naval Chakra (3rd)
Located: Belly
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Purpose: Control Destiny, Embrace Power
Association: Confidence, Personal Power
Weakens Chakra: Feeling trapped, Weak, Powerless, Vulnerable
Maintains Health: Meditation, Yoga, Make responsible decisions, create positive self-image

 Heart Chakra (4th)
Located: Heart Center
Color: Green
Element: Air
Purpose: Lets heart energy flow freely
Association: Family, Unity, Healing, Balance, Relationships, Compassion
Weakens Chakra: Disgust, Judgement, Withdrawal
Maintains Health: Be open to receive love

 Throat Chakra (5th)
Located: Throat Center
Color: Blue
Element: Spirit
Purpose: Allows you to speak your truth
Association: Communication, Expression
Weakens Chakra: Inability to Communicate, Neglecting your needs
Maintains Health: Breathing exercises, Speaking your truth without fear, Ask for what you need, Singing

 Third Eye Chakra (6th)
Located: Between Eyebrows on Forehead
Color: Indigo
Element: Light/Dark
Purpose: Allows one to see beyond their material selves
Association: Insight, Intuition, Awareness, Guidance
Weakens Chakra: Confusion, Bad decisions
Maintains Health: Meditation, Opening self to inner guidance, Listen to thoughts

 Crown Chakra (7th)
Located: Slightly above the head
Color: Violet
Purpose: Spiritual Connection
Association: Union, Bliss
Weakens Chakra: Lack of knowledge, Apathy, Small Mindedness
Maintains Health: Meditation

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