Palo Santo
Reclaimed wood from the Amazon, considered “Holy Wood”. Burn palo santo for smudging, clearing and healing the energy field.
Palo santo – Bursera graveolens, is known as “Holy Wood” by the indigenous peoples of the Amanzonian region. Since ancient times they have used this sacred wood to soothe and calm the spirit and rid their homes of negative energy. It has often been used in Ayahuasca ceremonies.
The tree belongs to the same family (Burseraceae) as frankincense and myrrh. You can smell the sweet fragrance of frankincense in the palo santo. This connection brings a gentle healing energy to the palo santo.
Use the wood for smudging, purifying and healing yourself and your space. When lighting, allow the wood to burn less than a minute, then blow the flame out. Palo Santo sticks may be re-lit many times. You can also shave the wood into chips and make a tea or burn on charcoal.
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