Wand ~ Selenite, Chakra


Energy Conduit ~ Cleansing

Size: 6.875” x .875” x .875”

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The chakras are a well organized system that keeps our life force energy directed and fluid. Our health and well being depend on active, balanced chakras.  As the chakras are all interdependent, when one is shut down the others work to maintain life force and compensate, creating imbalance and illness. If the flow becomes stagnant or sluggish, so long as this is temporary, they are able to re-activate themselves.  If the situation becomes chronic, they need to be stimulated. By learning to activate, balance and align your chakras you open the doors for your full potential to be recognized.

Selenite is considered a powerful cleansing crystal that can help remove negative energy from your space and your body. It is often used to cleanse and charge other crystals as well. Selenite is also said to help enhance intuition and psychic abilities, making it a popular crystal for those interested in spiritual and psychic development. It has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body and is often used to help relieve stress and anxiety, as it promotes feelings of inner peace and tranquility. Selenite is also believed to have a powerful connection to the divine and can help bring you closer to your spiritual self.

Selenite is a wonderful conductor of energy, making it the perfect healing wand and charging plate. Use the wands to clear blocks in the auric field, the meridians, and in the physical body. Align the body’s energy centers by laying a Selenite wand or rod down the back of the spine.  When you are in alignment physically and spiritually, and energy can flow more freely and swiftly, you can find more clarity; bringing expansive thinking and heightened self awareness.

It is a soft stone and prone to scratches and breakage. Selenite is water soluble and getting it wet will eventually cause it damage. Rather than washing it, wipe it with a soft cloth when it needs to be dusted. To energetically clear or cleanse Selenite to its natural frequency, we recommend leaving your Selenite out in the full moonlight.

To read more about Selenite, click here.

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