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New Moon in Taurus and the Coming of the Great Awakener

May 15, 2018

Posted in Astrology, DG Blog

New Moon Blessings to you all Loves – we are looking forward to seeing you tonight at our New Moon Manifestation gathering at 7pm! We are in the midst of some very big energy right now, as the Moon moved into Taurus, the first Earth sign of the zodiac, this morning and – the really big news – Uranus also moved into Taurus, and will be there for the next 7 years. When one of the slower moving outer planets changes signs it heralds a new phase in our collective growth and mindset. There is great power and potential to effect change with this New Moon.

Taurus is a fixed sign, and thus a very stable and earthy energy – it represents our sensuality, our groundedness, security, values, money, and all that is tangible and material. The Bull is not exactly a big fan of change and has a tendency to want to dig in its heels. Uranus on the other hand, is like a pure lightning bolt of awakening. Uranus does not care about our feelings. He is not patient or secure. He is the impetus and the embodiment of change – innovative, revolutionary, insightful…and very often disruptive.

Clearly, we are working with two starkly different energies – but as always, therein lies the key: to work WITH the energies at hand, and not against them. The defining characteristic of this next era is to change or be changed. So let’s talk about how to best support ourselves and our intentions in that environment.

Yesterday, we reminded you to water your own garden. Taurus is very much aligned with the image of the garden and of our Mother Earth as a divine feminine energy. Use this metaphor to support you during this New Moon and over the next several years, as Uranus pushes for positive and wild changes on our planet and in our own gardens. Consider the following:

~ What seeds are you going to plant in your garden; are they healthy seeds or are they weeds?
~ Is the change you need, perhaps that you do need to weed your garden – are there financial habits, people, or shortcuts that are choking out your ability to thrive and to manifest abundance?
~How healthy are the aspects of your growth?
~Is your soul garden getting enough nourishment, water and sunlight?
~When something new pops up in the garden, do you immediately yank it out, or do you examine it, and look to see if it carries new and useful medicine?

Simple and good advice on this New Moon is to align with Nature and to ground into the energies of Mother Earth. Seek the practices and the medicine that nurture you both, and use these to prepare for upcoming changes, opening yourself to fertility. Use all of your senses to feel deeply into your being and ask that inner knowing what is ready to change in order for you to be in better alignment with your deepest desires and most bountiful abundance.

Love & Blessings,

~ Dreaming Goddess